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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Grandma Sue Visits

Neal's mother, Susan, came for her annual visit and luckily brought some cooler weather with her.

Sophie started preschool last week. It is a co-op preschool where the parents take turn teaching an agreed upon curriculum. There are 4 boys and 2 girls in the class. This is her on her first day.We enjoyed some showers while Susan was in town. She took the kids out in the rain to enjoy the puddles.

Sophie's good behavior earned her a chance to be silly with silly string.

Rhys is walking several steps when he feels like it but he doesn't feel like it often. Grandma bought the kids clothes and we finally got him in a pair of shoes that fit.
We also made our annual visit to the Barnette side of the family where Susan's Uncle Alvin celebrated his 83rd birthday! He says he has three canes but chooses not to use them because people will think he's old.

Susan returned home to CA this past Sunday. Thanks for coming out and we'll see you next year, Grandma Sue!

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