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Friday, August 20, 2010

Good-bye Grandma J

So this week Grandma J, Keri's mom, headed back home to CA. We appreciated her help while Keri healed from her gall bladder surgery and look forward to her return visit in early October.

Sophie is doing pretty well with her behavior program and earned the opportunity to make and eat Popsicles (made with Crystal Light).Keri tried her hand at braiding this week.Sophie is excited to start the co-op preschool this year. There will be 6 kids total, 4 boys, 2 girls. Keri is very grateful to the other moms for accepting Sophie's attendance while Keri will be allowed to finish up chemo before starting into the teaching rotation. Preschool begins at the end of the month. She already has her backpack, crayons, scissors, and glue sticks!

Rhys is signing more. He has hi/bye, all done, eat, and is learning more and milk. Still not walking, but he can crawl faster than a cockroach can scurry when you flip on the lights (isn't that a lovely visual).

Neal and Keri attended a Rifftrax phantom event at the theater. We laughed for nearly 2 hours. Always a good time. Hopefully we can make the Rifftrax Halloween movie in late October.

1 comment:

Lois Lane said...

LOVE the pitcure with the braids. Sophie has a great look and is just stinkin' adorable!