Quote of the Blog

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Keri had a precancerous (NOT cancer) mole removed just short of 2 weeks ago and her oncologist took her off chemo temporarily so she'd have enough white blood cells to fight any infection from this very minor surgery. All she can say is WooooooHoooooo! She actually has energy to do some housework but has put her focus on decluttering her closet and her friend's office and kitchen. It's more fun! There has been some vacuuming and weeding done as well.

Neal has jumped on board with hanging a picture, putting up a tool rack in the garage, changing the air filter and tending the garden.

Keri will probably start chemo in a week or so but until then, did we mention, WooooooHoooooo!


Lisa said...

Yay! Your kids are so cute in the bath! Also, I love your container garden. You guys are so handy.

Jamie said...

Enjoy the time off chemo while it lasts! Poor gal. P.S. LOVE the Jack Handy quote. Does Neal think he's funny yet?? :)

Lois Lane said...

IT has been awesome to have fun with you and THANK YOU soooo much for helping me declutter!!! I love it! And you know we will be here when you start chemo again! And your kids are stinkin adorable!