Quote of the Blog

Monday, July 13, 2009


Seven years ago, today, we were sealed together as husband and wife in the Los Angeles Temple. A friend of ours told us of a anniversary card she and her husband received; It said that they had made it past the 7-year-itch only to head into the 8-year-full-blown-rash! Funny! We have a sense of humor but don't feel that way at all.

Marriage rocks! It's fun, exciting, highs and lows, and a great place for growth. We are absolutely sure that marriage is no fairytale. In fact, often while living the day to day ins and outs of marriage, one will remind the other, "This is so not Hollywood!"

Despite the lack of a Hollywood director and good make-up and hair people, we have been through a lot together:
  • Beating breast cancer
  • Neal completing his degree
  • Saving for and buying a house
  • Moving to Texas
  • The birth of our daughter, Sophie
  • The birth of our son, Rhys
To the future we say, "Bring it on!" We are very happy with our union and the blessings we have been given. We know as long as we keep God in our relationship we can look forward to an eternity of fun together.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I know that the challenges that we have faced over the almost 13 years has only made us closer as a couple and I know that you have done the same. Always remember what Rocky said "It's not how hard you hit, it's how hard you get hit". We must work hard and getting through each new challenge togeter as a couple. Sometime you laugh, sometimes you cry and sometimes you just endure. I would not know where I would be without my wonderful wife by my side. She completes me and I her. When I am having a bad day i know that she will help me get back up and I do the same for her. Here's to a lot more years for you two and for us too!