Quote of the Blog

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Okay, what parent in their right mind sees their suffering child as a photo op? But she just looked so pathetic! Poor Sophie fought a fever over the last couple of days. Days and nights were spent trying to keep her temperature down with medication, cool cloths, and hydration, as directed by her nurse. Sadly, we had to put her in a lukewarm shower/bath a couple of times when the temperature inched toward scary a couple of times. She hated that! She actually got Dad tearful with her crying in the shower. She was given a priesthood blessing to help her and her parents through it (What is a priesthood blessing? A blessing given by a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, by the laying on of hands and by inspiration, to one who is sick or otherwise in need of special counsel, comfort, or healing. If the blessing is for the sick, consecrated oil is used ---James 5:14-15 ). We are happy to say that her fever appears to have broken and now she is sleeping away to recuperate. We look forward to everyone in the family sleeping through the night tonight!


Lisa said...

Poor little Sophie! What did she have?

Liz said...

Glad to know she is doing better.

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

Poor baby Sophie, and poor parents!! Having your child with a high fever and miserable is a SCARY EXPERIENCE. Sorry for that. I am glad she is better now.