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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Her First Shiner!

Okay, so it's not like she got in a bar fight but ouch! It's that small bruise under her right eye. Two nice gals from church came over to visit for a short while and they each brought their two youngest kiddos. Well, a sweet, 15-month-old girl was trying to hand Sophie a tambourine by waving it closer and closer to her. Well, Sophie didn't pick up on her cues fast enough and one of the metal cymbals smacked her in the face breaking a few capillaries and bringing a flood of tears. I actually saw it happen and know the little girl really did mean well. But just look at my baby girl! It took a lot to hold back my inner mama bear!


Liz said...

I wish that you guys would take a picture of your kid every now and then. I mean, you won't have any memories to look back on...

Kristie K. said...

Give me the kids name Keri, and I will take care of it....