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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Cheer from Ear to Ear!

The family enjoyed Thanksgiving with Opa Rudy and Oma Becky this year. The turkey and all the trimmings were delicious. We welcomed in the month of December by enjoying a broadcast of the Christmas Devotional given by the prophet, President Hinckley and his counselors from the Conference Center in Salt Lake. The messages helped keep us focused on the Christ in Christmas and the chior sang beautifully.
We also attended the fifth annual Nativity Exhibit at our Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on December 1st. Families donate their nativities and Christmas decorations every year and the event is open to the community for everyone to enjoy. Some nativities are homemade, others are fine materials. The range is vast. There are many from around the world. It also includes a live nativity and musical groups throughout the community provide wonderful numbers. It is really neat.

Our Christmas shopping is finished and packages and cards are out. Decorations are up inside and outside of the house. We already attended Neal's work party at the South Fork Ranch, where Dallas the 80s TV show as taped. Keri was able to meet Neal's boss and co-workers who were all very freindly and easy to chat with.

The rest of the month we will be enjoying the season and the Christmas holiday and trying to stay warm. Here is a picture of Sophie in her Christmas finery sent to her by her Grandma Susan. What an angel!


Crystal H said...

butthead!!! i just thought it was a cute idea and since i love to shop, i figure she'd most likely get that from mom, plus i just love the 50's!! not so much barbie!! i guess i still love you!! i cant wait until our play date!! it is going to be such a blast, i cant wait to see the two of you!!

Lisa said...

You guys are both looking way cute!