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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Keri's Back in Motion

This week I feel like I am actually back from chemotherapy. I'm me again! I don't nap anymore, I am getting regular household things done (grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, playing with the kids more), and my mind is back to pre-chemo power. I am so happy! It was an adjustment in itself to come back into fully functional life.

We've made a few changes in our eating and are feeling good about it. Still have some more things to change regarding that but all in good time. Also, we are fully aware there are some things we are not willing to change. Overall we are eating a lot more vegetarian meals and whole grains. And my new love--Greek yogurt! Oh so good!

During chemo and during my "adjustment" period out of chemo, some very awesome ladies let me be part of a co-op preschool for Sophie without taking my teaching turn until I was totally well--which was this week! We did a dinosaur theme and I planned stuff like gluing an AB patten of dinosaur plates on a stegosaurus' back, making dinosaur egg shakers, playing dinosaur tag (meat eater catching plant eaters) and a bunch of other activities. It was really fun for me and the kids seemed to equally enjoy it. I don't get to teach again until the week of Valentine's which will include a party.

I was just feeling really happy and grateful for feeling better and wanted to let everyone know!


Poulton Family said...

Yea!!! I am so happy for you, and Sam LOVED going to Sophie's house this week. You did an amazing job and the review that you did was so great. You look great and it's good to hear you are feeling so much better!

Stephanie said...

How wonderful! I am so glad to hear the great news. You have made my day brighter by sharing your brightness! :-)

Kerry said...

Just randomly landed on your page, and was so happy to read this ... glad you're doing well, and hope the year continues to get better for you in every way!

Jamie said...

That is wonderful news!! With your pre-chemo brain back, you and I should start doing a little calculus, just to see if we've still got it. :)

Lois Lane said...

So super happy that you are feeling better!