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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Flurries and Fun

We knew it was coming and it arrived right on time! It started snowing just about noon and it kept going all through our afternoon church. When we got home, we changed Sophie clothes and had a bit of fun with her. She ate A LOT of snow and tried to catch flakes on her tongue. She attempted snow angels. Rhys fell asleep on the way home from church so he didn't make it to the part where the fun starts. Maybe tomorrow there will still be enough left for him to get in on the fun.

1 comment:

Lois Lane said...

Kenzi loved it too. Though she seems to be beyond the catching snowflakes on her tongue stage! :0( Sophie looks adorable! Kenzi loved it too. She seemed to ingore the cold until I told her it was time to go in! Then she was freezing!