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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rhys and Speech Therapist to Become Buddies

As many may know, Rhys' speech and language skills are delayed. He only has two spoken words and a handful of signs to communicate with his family and friends. Also, given Keri's prolonged illness last year, she was not able to provide as much language exposure as she would have desired. Given the circumstances we contacted Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) and had them come out to evaluate him.

He took very well to the six developmental specialists that showed up at our door this morning. Yes, 6! Okay, one was an observing student. It was great to talk about our concerns, evaluate his progress, and hear what their observations were and that they had the same picture of him as we did. After 1 1/2 hours we had a confirmed diagnosis of speech delay. They complimented him on his social and motor skills and had no concerns regarding his cognition and overall development.

Almost immediately we will be starting speech therapy once a week for Rhys. Keri is looking forward to working with and troubleshooting with a fellow speech therapist. It was important to Keri that other professionals be involved to be sure we were getting an accurate view of our son's strengths and weaknesses.

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