Quote of the Blog

Friday, May 18, 2018

Voicing my Opinion

Yet more worthless STAAR testing this week! Time spent that my kids could be actually learning something new and interesting, but no.

Posted these to Facebook with such sentiments as...

 Because there is so much emphasis placed on standardized test results, teachers spend more time "teaching to the test" and lose the incentive to cover material that is otherwise favorable to the development of a student's understanding of the world.

Because "standardized tests occur in an artificial learning environment: they're timed, you can't talk to a fellow student, you can't ask questions, you can't use references or learning devices, you can't get up and move around. How often does the real world look like this? Prisons come to mind." (Thomas Armstrong) And we all say that education must prepare students for the real world. Standardized tests miss the mark.

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