Quote of the Blog

Monday, May 14, 2018

Good Job!--and Now an Impaling!

Sophie worked hard to complete all of her Faith in God program for primary children, except the 11-year-old section, as she is not 11 yet. The program only requires they finish 2 activities per 4 sections but we made a deal with her that she could get her ears pierced if she did ALL of them (not just the 2 per section) and she did (with encouragement)!

So while the boys camped for priesthood commemoration, I took Sophie to a tattoo/body piercing studio to get her ears pierced. I wanted it done right and I checked them out beforehand to be sure that the place was clean and professional and the setting could still be appropriate for a child. I did warn her that the man who did the piercings had a lot of holes in his face but was very nice and professional.

She said it hurt but she was a trooper. When she got in the car she was between laughing and crying saying that it hurt and I said, she did great and that the evening called for ice cream so that is what we did!

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