Quote of the Blog

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Yesterday, Neal and I received the bad news that his mother, Susan, was diagnosed with terminal cancer.  At age 61, she has stage 4 pancreatic cancer with spread to the liver. She has decided not to participate in cancer treatment.  Needless to say, we were aghast at the news.  Neal will be losing his mother, and our kids, a top-notch grandma, in weeks to months.  Before the news she was taking steps to move from California out to Texas to be closer to the grand kids and now this.

We are grateful for Heavenly Father's plan of salvation and the gospel in our lives.  Understanding this makes this heartbreak doable little by little.  We know death is part of life and we will miss her when she does pass but we also know families can be eternal.

It is our shared hope that she will be able to spend Christmas with us before settling in at her daughter's in Colorado to live out her days.  Prayers are always welcomed especially for comfort and strength.


allypally said...

I am so sorry to hear this! Wishing your family comfort and peace this Christmas....

hankharty said...

Neal and Keri,

We are saddened with the news of Neal's Mom. Thankful she was recently here making memories for your kids. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

AJ and Cindy

Elsie Park said...

Keri, I know the Spirit has already sent EXTRA peace and comfort to your heart so that you and Neal can deal with this news in the best way possible. I'm always strengthened by your ultimate trust in God and your faith in his plan of salvation. I know you've taught this things to your sweet kids and that they will be stronger for it during this sad situation. Hugs and kisses for you all!