Quote of the Blog

Sunday, December 1, 2019


For Thanksgiving week, we enjoyed having the kids home, practicing baking dinner rolls, sewing felt ornaments, and decorating for Christmas.

 This Christmas tree was my favorite because of a youtube video my sister shared with me a couple years back called "Do you like my decorations?" I sent this to her and it is spot on.
 The kids still play with the nativity set I hand made. It makes me happy even if the angel has a broken wing and one of the sheep have rolled behind the curio cabinet never to be retrieved until we move some day.

We went over to our friends, the Hancocks, for Thanksgiving dinner and games. Our dinner was a pie theme with both savory and sweet options.

Later in the week we gathered at the Goode home with friends to catch up, eat, and play. It was relaxing and fun.

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