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Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring, Yet Not

The week before the kids' spring break from school (neither of which were actually in spring, but winter) was the most beautiful weather! The trees started bursting with blossoms! I felt inspired to put up a few spring/Easter decorations.

 The Saturday before spring break, I ran my best 10K ever, beating my personal record set 3 years prior by 2 full minutes! I cried like a beauty pageant winner!

Then the kids had a week off and the weather was such a jerk! It rained the whole week. We stayed inside, baking, reading books to the kids, doing crafts and experiments, etc. until Sophie, in her dismay, expressed that this week just wasn't turning out like she had wanted at all.  I thought the rain and being stuck inside so I was taken back when she said all she wanted to do was watch TV all day.  I was actually relieved and said for her to have at it! She's a great kid and deserves all the down time she needs during a vacation. Everyone was happier.
I learned how to make my own organic yogurt!

I nagged an acquaintance at the park after school for weeks until she gave me this recipe of her grandpa's. It is so good but came with a warning to pace myself because of all the bran in it. I named it this as to not confuse it with my other pumpkin bread in the freezer.

The Saturday of spring break week, the rain let up enough that we were able to go on a family outing.  We headed out to Athens, TX to visit the fishery there. Learned some, had fun trying it out, and enjoyed eating out. Didn't catch a fish but had a good time just being together and being outside.  Great cure for cabin fever!

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