Quote of the Blog

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Morning Began...

...at three freakin' fifty-nine A.M.!

Yep, my kids start shaking me awake at 3:57 a.m., to be exact, to let me know that Santa had come, there was a telescope from Santa and bungee chairs from Grandma and Grandpa, and they had these cool toys in their stocking and even Daddy got something in his stocking...

Trying not to be a jerk, I said, acting surprised, how wonderful that all was but that it was not even 4 in the morning and that they needed to head back to their rooms.

A minute later I am out of bed because they took me literally and both were sitting on Rhys's floor talking about and going over the contents of their stocking again.  So I spoiled their party and indicated that I meant to go back to their own beds and SLEEP because it was way to early. 

They did, I am pretty sure because after snapping a shot of my clock with my phone, the house was quiet and still once more until...7ish, as God intended.

We eventually got out of bed. Really. 

Neal made nutella and banana crepes for breakfast while Sophie sang us tunes.  Then we opened presents. 

The rest of the day went as follows: 1. Remove packaging and discard it and gift wrap, 2. Play, 3. Eat, 4. Play at park - in the 70s! Yes!, 5. Play and call family, 6. Eat, 7. Play, 8. Sleep. Not a bad day, overall.  So much fun just playing together.

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