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Friday, June 27, 2014

Father's Day

Neal is a wonderful father.  He really is. He gives his time and energy to his family. He parents, plays, protects, and provides--financially AND emotionally.  I love being married to him and his kids love him but don't know how good they've got it.

For Father's Day, Neal really wanted eggs for breakfast and if there is one thing I know how to destroy, it's an egg.  I even suggested an egg casserole which I don't completely stink at. But, no, he wanted eggs. So I chopped all the yummy fillers for the scrambled eggs and he made it all come together.  After breakfast, the kids and I presented our cards and gifts. Neal seemed pretty pleased.

At church the children in the congregation came up and sang two songs for the Father's, including one of our favorites (that I remember singing to my dad as a little girl), I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home.

That evening, we had chicken nachos for dinner with lemonade.  We had nachos at Neal's request, last year as well.  Don't know if it will become a tradition but I don't think anyone would complain if it did.

We were happy to acknowledge our own fathers with cards, calls, and hugs. Happy Father's Day to all the amazing men out there who live the life God has designed for them. 

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