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Saturday, April 27, 2013

More Sophie and Rhys Quirks

Just look at those cuties!  The weather has been here and there but we have been able to get out to the parks more often. Here they are with Batgirl and Supergirl--a great snapshot from my best bud.

Sophie's teacher has finally told us what we already know about our daughter.  She is active, curious, spontaneous, and daydreams.  Sometimes these strengths get in the way of retaining information and completing assignments. 

We are working together to help her do her best.  We have suggested they use a visual timer to help her stay on task.  Sophie proudly announced that she "beat the worm!"  Sharing her enthusiasm we had come to find that her teacher had given her a timer that is an apple with a worm timing hand. Way to go Sophie! 

Mom is really trying to give Sophie what she needs as her personality is constant and sometimes demanding as I have my own attention difficulties.  I am finding that she and I both benefit a ton from cuddle time when we are putting her to bed.  Lots of time for chat, songs, and being okay with each other.  She really needs it to feel centered at the end of the day.  Also I am trying to loosen up and not take things so serious with her but at the same time keep our routines.  That can be a bit of a balancing act but I think as long as she sees me trying, even little changes will bring us to a better place.  I am trying to recognize the frustration in her eyes and respond with compassion rather than all the other easy choices. It's a work in progress.

Our family is all about numbers right now.  To help Sophie along in school we have been identifying numbers up to 100 in our environment--speed limit signs, the ID numbers on school buses, etc. 100 is a very cool number.  The coolest, in fact.  Whenever we see it or have a chance to use that number, life is pretty nifty.  For example, when it was time for Rhys to leave the park, I gave him the heads-up, "Two more minutes!" To which I often get his attempt to negotiate, "No! One huuuuuundred!” Get your tush in the car, cutie!
Our new minivan came with XM radio which we will get to enjoy just a little while longer.  There is quite the variety of music and talk radio out there.  However, we have come to find that Sophie is quite the Bluegrass fan.  That girl loves her some banjo. Can't say that I blame her though.

Sophie is not the only one that needs extra help.  We are trying to help Rhys increase his social/emotion skills.  He throws a fit with so little warning that we have really had to emphasis "using our words" which does not come easy to this boy with speech impairment.  Lately we just calmly say "Let's just talk this out" real slow even if he is already tantruming.  Do you know how hard it is to say that calmly and softly and slowly when he is screaming so flipping loud? You guessed it!  Yes, really hard. 

If that doesn't work we provide visuals to help him know what to expect.  Like every morning we see if the PB and J sandwich is crossed out or not, indicating weather he gets his favorite sticky lunch or not that day.  It's been working.  He even announces this to his half awake sister in a most cantankerous manner, scowling and wagging his finger, "No pea-ut bu-er and day-ye sanwis!"

Keri is also playing more board games with him so he can get desensitized to losing.  This one isn't so bad because it is actually fun to play with my son.  We are also reading him social stories to help remind him how to be the "Super Friend" he is.

At the same time, we are trying to help our kids to see outside themselves which can be a new idea when so young.  Trying to let Sophie decide to donate old, cherished clothes is one choice she made right lately.  And we were glad that JustServe.org had an opportunity for our family to do a service project together.  The Salvation Army has asked for lunch sacks to be donated, decorated, and inserted with an encouraging note for the hundreds of lunches they provide to the hungry each day.
We have been using paint daubers or bingo paint markers to decorate 100 sacks!  It is fun, easy, and very therapeutic for mommy.  It gives lots of chances to talk about others and ways we can help.  We look forward to turning all 100 sacks in soon!

As part of a community and school based program, we are trying to do a couple more things to keep us healthy.  We are picking up trash, trying new sports, and planning healthy meals as a family to name a few.  This week, Sophie worked with me to plan a meal she was interseted in eating, was healthy, and simple enough to make.  With moderate to minimal assistance she picked, washed, chopped, dried, grinded, used the Kitchen Aid, poured, sprinkled, kneaded, rolled, spread, and baked!  We had a delicious whole wheat pizza crust topped with Neal's red sauce, cheese, spinach, and black olives with a green salad on the side.  Way to go, cutie!

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