Quote of the Blog

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Potty Power!

He's been ready for months but Mom and Dad had to calendar in some undivided attention to begin potty training this champ.  Today Rhys is sporting his new undies!

Is it a coincidence that we got started in June, Potty Training Awareness Month. Yes!  Is it a coincidence that we are acknowledging June as Potty Training Awareness Month rather than World Naked Bike Ride Month?  Goodness, No!  But for those who are participating, please, remember to wear your helmets!

With a bit of time and a whole lot of patience our diaper buying days will be over.

1 comment:

Kristie K. said...

National Naked Bike riding? Doesn't sound very comfortable.

Yeah for Ryhs!I love potty training in the summer. It's easier to have them half naked if it's hot...