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Friday, January 13, 2012

Waiters and Bankers and a Case of Pink Eye

Thursday, Keri got to finish up her preschool week by teaching about two other members in our community--waiters and bankers!

We talked about being a waiter first. We talked about when we go to a restaurant we get to choose what we want from the menu.  The kids were given two choices and they stood on the side of the room that represented their preference several times.

Then we moved to the table and talked about how a waiter gives you a place setting.  We made our own and served (glued) food to our plate.
After that was real snack time.  We participated in dramatic play and took a friend's order (circled their snack choices) and went to the kitchen to prepare their food and served it to them.
After we finished snack we wiped up after a friend because a waiter cleans up after us.

After a little more play time we switched to talking about bankers.  We talked about piggy banks and that a bank is like a building with a big piggy bank called a vault.  We reviewed the letter V.  We labeled several V work pictures and hid one in our vault (a box!) and had to guess which one was missing. 

Then we had show and tell.  Everyone had a different V item or picture.  It was great discussing each one.

Then we shook a piggy bank with coins and sang "I have the money, yes I do, I have the money, how about you" (pointing to a friend).  Then we handed it to them and sang again until everyone had a turn.

We labeled the 4 coins and talked about color and size.  Then they picked a coin from the bank and tried to match it to the 4 displayed.  We labeled again.

We had a good time playing at "work" today.
To prove the fun never stops, I got a call from Sophie's preschool that she had pink eye and was off to pick her up immediately after Rhys' preschool.  That afternoon we had eye drops to start treating and had to alert all our co-op preschool pals that we had a case of pink eye in the house.

Sophie has been a great sport about getting the eye drops and cleaning her eye.  We are all washing our hands like crazy and checking our eyes to the point of paranoia! 

Sadly, we were not able to join Rhys' friends for a special trip to our local fire department due to the infection.  Did I just touch my eye?...

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