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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dental Health Month

Yes, February is Dental Health Month and the "tooth" of the matter is, as parents we stink at making sure our kids brush in the a.m. on a regular basis. So to help Mom and Dad do a better job and up the excitement about oral care, we whole-heartedly threw ourselves into better dental health. We:
  1. bought new toothbrushes
  2. watched a video about how to brush our teeth online
  3. talked about why we brush our teeth and brushed the yellow plaque off a paper tooth (with white paint to reveal a clean tooth)
  4. introduced flossing by flossing teeth (upside down egg carton) and our own teeth
  5. kept tract of morning and evening brushing with a sticker chart.

It's been fun forming better habits and our mouths are gloriously clean and fresh because of it!

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