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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Call of the Wild

On Thursday we headed to the Dallas Zoo and took MacKenzie along for extra fun. The weather was perfect, at about 70 degrees. We saw a load of animals, learned some facts, appeased children with snacks, took a monorail tour, rode the carousel, and just had fun! They have a great Savanna habitat where we saw elephants, giraffes, hogs, zebra, ostrich (yummy), lion and cheetah, among others. One of the highlights of the day was watching the kids feed the giraffes. We have never paid that much money for romaine lettuce in our lives until this day and we must say, it was totally worth it!
They actually had this elephant rump and poop next to the family restrooms! Peeee-U! After some lunch we went on the monorail tour and saw an okapi and some animals we would not have otherwise seen. One of the not-so-useful facts we learned about the rare okapi is that it's tongue can get up to 14 inches long and it can clean it's own ears with it. That little tidbit will be handy for dinner table conversation.
Taking the Gorilla Trail led us to some entertaining chimpanzees right at their feeding time.
We finished our adventure with a ride on a beautifully crafted carousel. Besides horses there was a myriad of animals from around the world and beautifully painted scenes of different animals in their habitats.
We all felt like this when we got to the car but only a few of us actually napped on the way home.

1 comment:

Lois Lane said...

OK, you got somne GREAT pictures! Can I get a copy? Thanks for taking Kenzi, she had a lot of fun!